Packaging Machinery
L - Seal Shrink Packing Machine

L Seal Hood Shrink Packaging Machine


The product is placed in the chamber and once the hood is lowered, the machine does all the work. This is a great machine if you have many products to shrink wrap, as it provides a uniformly professional look and greatly reduces operator fatigue.

BSF-5540 offers sealing and shrink wrapping in one compact and economical unit, ideal for low volume shrink wrapping operations where a presentation pack is required.

The BSF-5540 chamber L-Sealer has a heated impulse L-Sealer blade to perform the cut and seal of the shrink film.

● There is an adjustable packing table to accommodate different pack sizes.

● The adjustable film rack can accommodate different widths of film up to 500 mm.

● There are easy to use controls for adjusting L-Sealer time, shrink temperature and shrink time.

● This manually operated machine uses an electro magnetic closer to hold down the chamber hood

● It suitable for all kinds of shrink films such as PVC, POF, PP etc.

● The Chamber L-Sealer is supplied with lockable casters.

Voltage (V/Hz)
AC 220/50
Power (W)
Packing Speed (pcs/h)
Max. Packing Size (L×W×H)(mm)
Max. Sealing &Cutting Size (L×W×H)(mm)
External Dimensions (L×W×H)(mm)
Net Weight (Kg)
L - Seal Shrink Packing Machine machine sectional photo
Bottle Label Shrink Machine - packed sample
Bottle Label Shrink Machine - product applications
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